
What Happens To The Data?

All information collected from your family will be treated in the strictest confidence and individuals will not be identified in any written reports.  All questionnaire/assessment data will be anonymously coded (names and addresses will not be linked to that data), and links can only be made between questionnaire data, and the observation data by the researchers. Only the researchers working on the study will have access to the video material, which will be kept in a secure location.  Video data will only be used for the purpose of research. In these cases, it is not possible to anonymise the data, as you can of course be seen and heard on the video recordings.  If you would be happy to allow us to use your stored video data for other research questions in future research projects under the same strict conditions of storage, anonymity and confidentiality, we will ask you to sign a separate consent form also.  

In the event that you or any member of your family reveal information that causes concern or worry for the researchers, or in the event that the researcher observes an interaction that makes him/her concerned for the welfare/safety of the child/parent, the researcher is obliged to follow this up afterwards.